The Yazidis recently experienced massacres perpetrated by Daesh in northern Iraq. Fleeing to the borders of Kurdistan, Turkey, the Caucasus and the gates of Europe, they now constitute a fragmented community, whose members, threatened and often hunted down, no longer know exactly where their loved ones are. Faced with the difficulty for these routed Yazidis to communicate with each other by modern means of communication, Yazidi nomads in the Caucasus use homing pigeons to transmit messages from one place of exile to another. Through the use of messenger pigeons, these nomads are thus able to send news to scattered families, to indicate passage routes to sanctuaries, to relieve men of their pains. Guided by homing pigeons and their micro-messages, this film is a poetic and nomadic outfit in a world at war, alongside a people in survival.
Production status
World Première at Visions du Réel 2022
Director – Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd
Writer – Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd
Producer – Françoise Hoste (Cobra Films)
Co-producers – Eurydice Gysel (Czar Film & Tv), Serge Lalou (Les Films D’Ici), Pierre Duculot (WIP)
Cinematographer – Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd
Editor – Philippe Boucq
Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (CCA), Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), WIP
Sales & Distribution
Dalton Distribution
Bio director
Pierre-Yves Vandeweerd is a Belgian filmmaker. His films are part of the cinema of reality and have been shot in several regions of the world. His latest film ‘The Eternals’ was made in Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh. Shot for the most part on 16mm and super 8mm film, his documentaries bring together, through a poetic cinematographic gesture, wars and forgotten destinies, the limits of reason and the human condition. They resonate like so many incursions into the confines of reality.