The new series follows Sam (Morrissey) and Gemma (Hawes), whose daughter Alice went missing in 2003. In 2014, a young British woman stumbles through the streets of her German hometown and collapses. Her name is Alice Webster (Abigail Hardingham), and she has been missing for 11 years. Alice’s return sends shockwaves through the small community. Told in dual timelines, flitting between 2014 and the present day, we follow Alice’s family as they are thrown back into a turmoil that threatens to tear them apart at the seams. When French missing persons detective Julien Baptiste (Karyo), races across Europe to pursue a 12-year-old case that he never let die, we begin to explore the murky morality and emotional complexity of what happens when the missing child you’ve been longing to return actually comes back.
Director – Ben Chanan
Writers – Harry & Jack Williams
Producers – New Company Pictures in association with Two Brothers Pictures
Co-producer Belgium – Czar Film & Tv
Cinematographers– Ole Bratt Birkeland, Gary Phillips & Hubert Taczanowski
Editors – Úna Ní Dhonghaíle, Kim Gaster, Fiona Colbeck, Emma Oxley, Danielle Palmer, Richard Graham & Tom Hemmings
Art Directors – Stacey Dickinson & Ruben Hermans
Cast – Tchéky Karyo, David Morrissey, Keeley Hawes, Abigail Hardingman, Filip Peeters & Anemone Valcke
BBC, All3Media, BNP Paribas Fortis Film Finance (& Belgian Tax Shelter), VRT, Screen Flanders
Sales & Distribution
Starz Retains, All 3 Media & Dutch Filmworks